Blind Sports NSW Postpones iFLY Indoor Sky Diving and High School Vision Camp
Blind Sports NSW has postponed the iFLY Indoor Sky Diving Day due to take place on Friday 17th April, as well as the May Vision Camp scheduled for Monday 18th - Friday 22nd May at Sydney Academy of Sport. After close monitoring of NSW Health advice and recommendations from the NSW Department of Education, Blind Sports NSW has made the decision to postpone both events in an effort to protect all members and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The NSW Department of Education recently announced the introduction of proactive measures to limit the impact of the virus, including cancellation of excursions, travel and inter-school events. It is the intention of Blind Sports NSW to reschedule both events later in 2020, provided it is safe and advisable to do so in accordance with guidelines from relevant health authorities.
A decision on Multi Sports Days from June onwards will be communicated in due course.
For those who have registered to attend the iFLY Indoor Sky Diving Day, your place is automatically reserved and you will be notified once the rescheduled date is confirmed.
If you have any questions about Blind Sports NSW events, please email our Program Manager, Sophie at: